Like dogehunter said, it is a bit repetitive, although I genuinly like the sound, it happens to much. To fix this, change up the melody, add layers. The last minute is my favorite because it features different sounds than the first two, and those sounds sound like F-777 may actually use them. Also, it sounds like your sidechaining too much. When I say that i dont mean the ratio or threshhold needs to be reduced (if your using the limiter), I mean you are sidechaining the lead to too many things. It sounds like your sidechaining things the the crashes, and to something I cant tell. It justs sounds like the volume of the leads is ducking for no reason. I dont mean to sound harsh, this track is still genuinly better than a lot I have heard on newgrounds. One of my favorite parts is the drums, they flow and sound really nice, although the crashes could be tamed.
All around good job, just a few things that need fixing