A brilliant piece with solid, differenciating parts without clashing or breaking up the common thread of an intense duel feel that I`m getting from this impactful and grand track. Two warriors with nothing to lose, fighting to relieve one another from the burden of living the life they haven`t led themselves in a long, long time.
1:02 gives me the feel of the two warriors breaking from a clash of strength, watching each other, judging their strength both mentally and physically. The following part with the chants and strings in the background also adds to the intensity of this part in particular. I personally enjoyed this the most in the entire track.
Then, at 2:30, the two run at each other again with the screen moving backwards, leaving the viewer in awe of a cliffhanger regarding the two`s duel.
Well done, sir. The only critique that I could provide you with is the last part that maybe lasted for bit too long. The last 5 seconds or so are brilliant, but the build-up for me was a bit too lengthy. Still, that`s up to anyone`s preference and me saying this isn`t meant to bash you or this masterful track. It was your decision and overall, this track has the potential to bring grand immersivity, intensity and tension to any work it`s or will be associated into.
Well done, Mr. John. Bloody well done!