I like the atmosphere at the beginning, and call-and-response piano/synth riffs at :05. Nice job with the acceleration effects at :25 or so, too. The piece has a nice sense of climax into :45, and subsequently 1:09, even if the build-up was a bit drawn-out. Unfortunately, the climax doesn’t really lead anywhere, and thus lies the downfall of this piece. The content here is solely transitional, and by 1:40 the texture changes jarringly. You really need to give this piece more coherence. Not only is it structurally incomplete, but there’s absolutely no melodic content, emotional height, or even many moving notes. It’s just a series of build-ups. The sound design and atmosphere here are really cool. I have no complaints about the mixing. But you needed to show me that you could make a well-structured composition here, and I don’t think you did. I’m really torn about this piece, because it clearly has a lot of potential. Please PM me if you ever get around to fleshing out the structure here. I want to hear it as a full-length track! Keep at it, K0TiC. ;)