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Mt. Moon

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I remember Mt. Moon as the first desperating cave in my Pokemon journey... Do you remember how irritating was to be attacked by aprox 300,000 Zubats every step you walked???
Definitely, if you didn't bring some Repels, Mt. Moon was the most horrible thing to get across.
And well, as this season I'm working on Kanto remixes, this fabulous theme couldn't stay out. I hope you enjoy the piano and the synthes I used to give it a mysterious tune.
Thank you!

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Yeah, I agree with your description here, I actually don't like this music much solely because every time I hear it it reminds me that I can get stuck in dungeons. Though for me, the Zubats weren't the actual problem, it was more the status effects that-
Nice lil' surprise though, I already enjoy how you switch from eerily calm to almost jumpscare-type of musical horror. The 8-bit sounds around the 2mins mark is also a nice touch, because to me it underlines very well just how... eery this tune can actually be. I don't like the song really because it's a weird time of calm.
3:08 and there's that acceleration-to-creepiness again... Darn it, it's really a good job from ya. It.. Also kind of reminds me of the Metroid Prime atmosphere somehow. Hmm.

Ah, and now it's over! Well, this was weird XD If you were going for something creepy, mission freakin' accomplished. But I hadn't realized that you worked on KANTO remixes specifically. Have you tried Blue/Green Encounter Theme? Y'know, the little tune that plays before you battle him? If not do consider remixing it, I'd love to see how you can personalize this one.
Suggestions aside, take care! On to the next track...

Credits & Info

4.57 / 5.00

Sep 25, 2016
3:02 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
4 MB
4 min 20 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.