That was a very spooky loop, I must say.
As I was slithering through the web I saw this and it sent shivers dow my spooked spine.
Very spooky, indeed.
Also, nice job!
A loop I made for Halloween 2015. I named the song Bionicaw because of the birds and the dark robotic theme I went for.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in your project. shaunmcglinn {@} gmail {.} com or via newgrounds PM.
That was a very spooky loop, I must say.
As I was slithering through the web I saw this and it sent shivers dow my spooked spine.
Very spooky, indeed.
Also, nice job!
mmm r u a spider?? :}
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*You may not use this work without making specific arrangements with the artist UNLESS your work is a web-based game or animation, in which case you may use this freely.