wow you build up for 2 minutes to a 20 second drop.
I will make this a download song but!! there is a catch :D i am making a album and i want to do some of my songs with some one and this is a contest :) it will be downloadable for a week and send me a PM if you are in to it i made a intro a build up and there some stupid drum melody thing there cut that out really unless you want to build on it but!!!! the winner will be featured on my album and will make more tracks with me :D
wow you build up for 2 minutes to a 20 second drop.
This was only supose to be the build up nothing more the extra part is me havinh fun really
Since we know I'm at a disadvantage for not having FL, do you mind if an instrumental remake is made, or does it specifically have to be around this song?
Whatever floats ur boat :D i put no limits on what you can do ;)
Now this wasn't bad but could be better. Either way it is still a good start up. Could do something with it but you'll have to send me a file copy. I can do FL Studio so msg me ;)
this only took me a short time so yes it so uncomposed and so unorginized i just wanted to make a competition around it the Part after the violins and that wasnt really supose to be there but i will fix and patch all of it when i get some one who is ready to work on it with me :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.