mind if i use this for Geometry dash?
Carrying on from my uploads once again:
I'm uploading the instrumental versions of all I've worked on from 2013 onwards.
This is the Eleventh track of the album "The Deity".
Now, down to the details:
**On Recording**
Agile Septor 8 (Stock Cepheus Pups)
Dry recorded direct through Pod HD Pro X
Rhythm Chain:
Noise Gate - Compressor - Green Wah - Poulin Hybrit - Nick Crow 7170 - Redwirez Orange 4x12 V30s Impulse - EQ
Lead Chain:
Compressor - TSE 808 v2.0 - Nick Crow 8505 - Redwirez Orange 4x12 V30s Impulse - EQ - Delay + Reverb
Clean Chain:
Noise Gate - Compressor - Poulin LeXTAC - Redwirez Orange 4x12 V30s Impulse - EQ - Delay + Reverb
TSE Plugins: http://www.tseaudio.com/home
LePou Plugins: http://lepouplugins.blogspot.co.uk/
Nick Crow Plugins: http://nickcrowlab.blogspot.co.uk/
Redwirez Impulses: http://redwirez.com/
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/xenogenocide
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/xenogenocideofficial
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.
P.S: Please VOTE and feel free to ask questions in the comments section or by sending a private message.
mind if i use this for Geometry dash?
The atmosphere of this track hurts my heart. I think you've nailed the theme of this song.
I feel like there's a bit too much going on in the background with this one. Maybe reducing the audio of the drums would work. Feels like it would be better if some instruments were quieter.
This is a fantastic tune with real integrity behind it.
I like and enjoy the playful manner the tempo and diffrent themes swaps out one another as it continues it's stable theme.
Without lyrics it expresses alot.
Ps: Done a few dl's of your other tracks to piff up my playlist and so far I like all of them.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.