This is an NGADM Round 2 Review
First off, got to apologise for the late review. Yesterday I finished reviewing frootza's track and was like "yeah that's the last of them" and I totally missed this one like an idiot. Anyway, time to rectify that!
You know, one of the standout characteristics of this track would be how you have such reverb-doused, atmospheric, warm melodic ambience going on, and then you have bone-dry percussion section with a crispy high end. It's a pretty huge contrast, and one that I thought was questionable at first, but it's a contrast that I admit grew on me, especially when you introduced the glitching at 0:34 and the kicks synchronising with the melody at 0:47. It oddly works, and what we're left with is a unique and genuinely interesting listening experience.
Your production is also solid, so where is the room for improvement? You probably saw this coming a mile away, but it's much too short! With just 1 minute and 30 seconds of basically the same style/mood, followed by an abrupt ending, we're left feeling like we weren't treated to a full song, but something unfinished. I'd have loved to hear this properly fleshed out.
Either way, what you have here is still a pleasure to listen to. Good luck in the next round!
SCORE: 7.9/10