The strings are pretty neat interesting in the opening. They seem to have a wave-like loudness to them that invites something a little more...disruptive. :) Drums are pretty tight. The snare especially has that sizzly snap that I like to hear in metal and hard rock tracks.
Guitars are pretty solid in the opening, but I think they could have benefited from being a little more layered. Instrumentals are probably hard to get right since they can't have something as distinguished as a voice to keep the whole track fresh. It would have probably helped to fill out the stereo sides a little more and just leave the kick and snare near the middle.
The solo was pretty sweet, though a little messy. The part where you were layering a 5th(?) on top of the original in particular could have been cleaned up a little better, performance and production-wise. Still a pretty tasty set of licks, though!
Cool jam man, but its still a little too raw and parched for me to consider it a full-fledged track.