I don't know what they be feeding the women in my new neighborhood.
Miracle Grow?
The full title is:
"The Woman I Want Moves Like A lincoln continental with bad shocks Crossing RailRoad Tracks at an Angle, When She Walks"
-I was originally calling this:
"Have Mercy on a Quiet little White boy, Tonight.", but someone complained that it was 'too wordy".
featuring an Emulation I've been working on for a while, now That I call "Nasty Ass Clav". It's still not there,yet. Right now, I'ts got plenty of "Nasty", But I think it needs more "ass" :P
It's also a little Clunky to play, but That's mostly because of Superfluous, Obsolete, or failed features, I haven't //'d out.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.