I'm not quire sure how I feel about this song.
One one hand, I definitely enjoy it - something nice to chill out to. I've been listening to it for the past half hour nonstop, so it's got a good tune. It actually reminds me a bit of this one: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/254789, but on the darker side.
On the other hand, I feel like it is lacking in character. You've got all the makings of a great song in that the beats are clean and everything is put together well, but there isn't enough that stands out particularly strong to me that would make me want to come back to this song time and time again.
I'm not a music composer in any way, so I don't think I can be more helpful than to say, "more character", but I hope this was a bit useful anyway.
Bottom line, it's a cool song, and I would definitely rank it with others put out by the bigger names on NG, but it feels like it lacks that edge to make it really stand out.