=== This is an NGAUC Audition Round Review ===
This is a bit of an interesting take on orchestral music. Most people go for the really huge, bombastic, epic tracks. I like how you've sorta gone in the other direction, giving us a really chilled out track. I feel like you've done a good job of having different sections and taking a single melody and doing little riffs and variations on it. What I feel like is lacking is also what makes you unique - since the piece is so chill, it needs to work extra hard to stand out, and I don't think that this one ever really caught my attention. Either better melodies or more variation in the arrangement would really help here.
Mini-scores (See http://johnfn.newgrounds.com/news/post/936953 for what this means and how to improve)
Mixing: 3/4
Arrangement: 3/4
Composition: 2+/4
Overall (this is not an average): 6.5/10