Hey there. Some general commentary on your song for NGAUC.
-This reminds me a fair amount of the Face Shrine from Link's Awakening - at least, the background.
-All of your instruments for the first minute and a half seem to have too much attack time, it's a bit jarring with the loud drums that have an instant attack time.
-Mixing once the drums come in gets fuzzy, downright muddy with the piano.
-Definitely needs more than one sample for each drum if it's going to be
this kind of drumbeat - and once again, they need to be quieter.
-The melody around 3 minutes before it goes out seems to be out of key with the background.
-Cool glitchy sounds after 3 minutes, but I think they could be integrated better as ear candy rather than as their own instrument.
-After 4:30, the main chord instrument is definitely too loud. It overpowers the already overpoweringly loud drums. There really needs to be better levelling and mixing in this piece. It's possible to make something stand out as a new instrument without killing everything else.
-And the song fades out. This is one of the most important things, as it's the final impression a piece leaves - fading out with no conclusion generally isn't the best parting note to leave.
Final score: 5.6/10