I like the ominous mood at the beginning and the melodies that come in at :12. It has a forlorn and distant feel to it, and I love the quirky instrument that you introduce at around :35 (and other places). I really admire your sense of harmony, especially around 1:20. I think you needed a smoother transition at 1:36. The addition of some drums might help with that. At the same time, 1:37 offered some important structural relief. The ending really threw me off, though. You should usually end your tracks on a tonic note, but instead this ending was simply inconclusive. This was especially disappointing, however, because the rest of the piece was rather impressive. Also, 2:55 was another spot where I think you needed a smoother transition. Overall, though, this is really solid work, and I applaud your effort here. Keep up the good work, Miguel-is-cool. ;D