I liked the melodies and mood at the beginning. I think some of those synths were really high-pitched and harsh-sounding, though. You might need to equalize all of the instruments a bit more carefully, just to eliminate some of those high-pitched tones. I liked the arpeggios that came in at around 1:30, although the melody kind of got buried underneath them. The section at 2:00 offered some much-needed structural relief IMO, and I think you did an excellent job of spacing out your track a bit during that section. The effects at 2:49 were cool, and I like how you used them to build up back to the refrain at 3:21. I love the atmospheric vibe this has. I think you may have needed a crash or something just to smooth over the transition at 4:21. Still, I thought the ending was conclusive enough, and I admire your sense of harmony and progression. Overall, this is strong work, but I'm not sure it needed to be 5 minutes long. The first half especially was a little repetitive, so moving forward I'd caution you to add a little more variation. Still, keep up the good work, Vdragonb. ;D