I like the piano at the beginning, and how you left a lot of space for the following climax. I like the melody at around :50, and it does seem quite fitting for a videogame.
I think you need to work on your mixing and mastering a bit though. I can barely hear the kick drum. You should try compressing the drums (if you don't know how to do this, there are a lot of awesome tutorials on YouTube). I don't know what software you use, but if you use FL Studio like me, try pressing F9. The window that pops up is called a mixer. If you click on the "master" tab, there might be a box on the right side of the window that says "Fruity Limiter." Please click on the arrow next to that box, and then click "none." You NEVER want there to be a limiter on the master channel. EVER.
Otherwise, the slight distortions in this piece might also be because of a lack of Equalizing. I won't delve too deep into this now, as it's pretty complicated, but I will give you one basic tip which should really help you out. In each mixer tab (that is, for each instrument you have), click on the arrow next to the box that says "1," on the right-hand side of the mixer window. Then scroll down to "Parametric EQ 2." You can experiment with this more on your own or consult YouTube tutorials on how to use it best. For now, though, a little will go a long way: drag the knobs below 200 Hz (there's a scale at the bottom of the EQ window) all the way down to zero for EVERY instrument EXCEPT the bass and kick. It's entirely possible that you know all this already, btw, but I think this is something you should focus on, as I think a lot of your instruments could've sounded a lot clearer. Okay...hope all this helped. ^^ Despite my mixing criticism, I think this is (compositionally) a very good piece. Keep at it, man! ;D