No part of this song is bad, in fact I would have to say that I enjoyed each piece quite a bit, but that's the problem: I felt like i was listening to a bunch of pieces of a song, but they didn't quite mesh together. The first part I noticed was where the drums come in. right between where the strings fade out and the main part comes in(around 1:00) the song kind of seems to lose direction. I think it might just be the guitar note, try for a higher pitched one to keep the tension that the intro builds going. The outro seemed a little out of place too, melodically. I don't know if there was a key change there but it sounded drastically different from the rest of the song to the point where it felt like it wanted to go on. Try to find something that resolves there instead, or continue the outro until it can resolve itself.
Other than that, the electric guitar sounded very synthetic. I was just recently given some advice on this; try varying the velocity of the notes, or maybe even look for a different sound for that part. The strings(violins/whatever it is) start to sound a little synthetic when they get to the higher notes, but they still sound good so I wouldn't worry about that unless you want to.
Everything else sounds damn good though, just find a way for them to mesh together a little better and you'll have a track worthy of an anime fight scene or something.