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Sasquatch Goes Boating

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This kind of happened this morning. I still don't have anything but the FL demo so i'll touch this up in the future. I originally wanted to name this waves... but I just watched Les Stroud's Survivorman Bigfoot series... so... here we are.

~To whom it may concern,

I, the elusive and ominous squatch, have decided that on this day, I will go boating. I spent the last two days foraging limbs and gathering hair to use as binding material. I finished the raft today. If you are reading this, then I clearly have not returned. Please, keep my cave clean and make sure no rats or possums dwell inside. I hate rodents. If you do this for me, I will reward you with my friendship. I will give you shoulder rides up mountains and across streams. After two weeks if I still have not returned, please use the club next to my sleeping rock and knock the big tree close to the entrance three times to let my fellow squatches know I have passed. They will know what to do.

Totes love,

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A lot of good ideas in this. Really liked the structure and general concept of the song. There are a couple of things I need to nitpick on though.

First of all the kick. The kick makes or break a song, so you have to make sure that you put a lot of thought into choosing what kind of kick you want in your song. I'm not sure if you can use kick samples in the demo version of fl, but you'll come a long way by switching the kick with a better sounding one. Once you get your hands on the full version you might even want to design your own kicks :).

I also wished that this song had built itself up throughout the track. As it is know, it sounds kinda flat and plain. Try adding some mare melody layers and maybe some more percussion as well :).

Again, there's a lot of good ideas in this, but it seems like the demo version is limiting you from making this into something truly amazing. Just keep it up, and when you one day get Fl I'm sure you'll be able to absolutely blow my mind with this track :).

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xxUltimaWeapon responds:

I always appreciate your feedback, Ectisity. Overall, a lot of my songs, including this one, just need to have a lot more time spent on them. I definitely and learning how to adjust the kick to fit the song a little better. Also, you can really tell I wasn't sure what to do with the last bar of the song, with the weird distorted synth melody at the end hahaha.

I like it! Can imagine a happy boating sasquatch to it ;) You use some quite cool synth sounds here and I love the quirky melody starting at 30 secs and also the wave noises. Everything is mixed well imho and the master sounds very clear. I get this is work in progress so I guess it will get longer at some point. At the moment it lacks a bit of bass and although it is still quite short there could be a bit more variation in this part. Maybe also the beat could use a bit more build up and some more instruments than just snare and bass drum, but since it´s just the start of the track... Keep it up! I will be happy to hear the finished track!

xxUltimaWeapon responds:

I'm glad you can see what my mind's eye saw. =P I definitely need to figure out how to incorporate base into my songs because I still haven't quite got it down. And when I have the time, I will definitely put a lot more effort into this song. I'm glad you liked it for the most part. Thanks so much for the review! :D

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Apr 18, 2015
4:56 AM EDT
File Info
1.1 MB
59 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.