I don't know why, but I'm reminded strongly of Dilbert 2. Maybe it's the really soft percussion. IMO, that's a good thing, because I like the music from that (If you have no idea what I'm on about, youtube it). Not necessarily reminding me of the Gorillaz('s?) work, though.
Production-wise, the track should be normalized. It's really soft. It doesn't ask for much compression, maybe a little bit of EQing, but above all I shouldn't have to adjust the volume unless you're going for some kind of artistic statement. If you were, it was lost on me.
I'm not sure the panning is as effective as it could be - each instrument seems like its in its own space. Maybe pan before reverb/delay?
Composition-wise, it's kind of dissonant. Mainly because of the persistent high-resonance sound effect. I'm sure it can be used to creative effect, but it kind of skews the tone of the piece a little too far away from what you're going for. Perhaps use it a little less or make it a little less obvious.
Keep up the good work!