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This is part 2 from the 2 part concept album "A Normal Day." I like to consider this the aftermath of the man's adventure, as he is lost and entering a whole new world.

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Really nice use of simple wave forms! I love the way you make them breathe. You control the stacking of overtones really well. This is the sort of thing you listen to with headphones and let it massage the inside of your brain. I could have used a little more detail in the background. There's a lot going on up front with harmonies and melodies blending together like chalk being smudged, but with this sort of ambient stuff I feel like microscopic textural work in the background helps give the track more dimension. A mentor once mentioned that a drone is never just a drone. On a macro scale it may move slowly or even be stagnant, but on a microscopic level it's always moving, undulating, and creating a sense of motion. I don't have any specific suggestions as there are many ways to approach this, but I've always found it helpful to keep in mind when I work on ambient tracks. That said, it really does feel like coming home. You've managed to tell a story with this one excerpt, and I look forward to hearing the rest of the album!

Alright, so I've probably listened to this like 3-4 times meaning to review it during the past weeks, but somehow I never got to it, even if I only intended to write a small review. And today I realized I forgot to, and finally came back. Sorry for the delay!

So as you probably know, I like ambient music, a lot. This one particularly, gives me a really dreamy feel. Almost trancelike too; like I was dreaming/floating, but I don't really know what I'm doing or what I am planning on doing, which means that the name you chose for this is really apt.
The sound that is playing all the while is pretty overtaking, it seems to have a lot of reverb and takes over quite many frequencies XD But while it sounds muddy, I actually like it. The welcome sound just makes this all the more more trippy, along with all the weird extra effects and such.

The laugh of the girl is an interesting element. It is not unique to a frequent movie goer like me, but I still like it. I think I'd like it to be more varied though, and that is a voice that could perhaps actually have use of more reverb! But at places like 2:26 and 2:28 the laughs don't feel different enough to fit so closely to each other for example. But maybe I'm just applying too much of what I'd expect from a real human laughing to this composition, who knows?

Either way, I really like it!

Good job, and keep jobbing ;)

NicholasCabraja responds:

Thank you for this delayed review. haha. I myself also like ambient music. I can agree I could have maybe cancelled out a few more frequencies for the main sound. But I always like a nice warm sound that just fills all the caps! It's kind of the death of me... And I also really got to go ham on the reverbs, because everyone tells me to go crazy on it. I'm to gentle with my mixing, I should take my shirt off and go nuts..(or something along those lines)

Thank you Lucid :)

This one is alluring to me. You have some nice progressions here--I especially like the chord change at 1:22 &1:52. With the girl laughing, it's almost creepy to me. I'm not sure what sense I'm supposed to feel, but I suppose that it is accurate in the description you've given for this piece. I give you props for stumping me. Had to give this a few listens as it haunts me quite a bit.

NicholasCabraja responds:

thanks man, Glad you liked it! It was suppose to be in a way spooky, nothing really is suppose to make sense in a way. (Hence thats kind of what soundscape can represent) There's actually two different laughters, one sounds a bit older tone. They both represent a mother and daughter of the man who has entered heaven, and sees a vision or representation of this wife and daughter.

Just don't get any nightmares, I don't wanna be responsible. haha.

Really, really found this extraordinarily pleasing! Now, do not shoot me, but I immediately thought of the Truman Show's ending while listening to this, a sort of cadence to the movie's final scene. The minimalist nature of the song, with all of it's mellifluous, is something I could leave on loop while I perform Qigong! ;)


Credits & Info

4.75 / 5.00

Apr 14, 2015
6:53 PM EDT
File Info
3.3 MB
3 min 37 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.