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FLASHBACK episode from Aug 2014! This is when Rob and I (Stephen) review the new TMNT (2014) movie and compare it to other iterations for just over 2 hours. OK, it's mostly me because I'm an insane Turtles fan. You'll want to refer to the "Stories & Timestamps" below for a list of topics and when we talk about them but here's a quick summary. We compare this movie's lore with those of different iterations such as the original 1990 movie, 1987 cartoon series, 2003 cartoon, and the various comics. We talk about April's role. And of course....
... this is also the episode which provided the audio for our second podcast animation also up on Newgrounds!
(The clip in that video was taken from around 36:35 in this podcast episode.)
You can (and should) also check out the original post here on my website: http://rubberonion.com/podcast/tmnz
Check out more of your hosts:
Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)
Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)
Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
Subscribe to us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rubber-onion/id730497544?mt=2
(24:23) We compare the intro's of this 2014 movie and the original 1990 one
(36:09) Splinter learns Ninjutsu from... WHERE?!
(44:14) New and abandoned origins of this Shredder
(54:41) Animation of the Turtles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4aju4D6J7M
(1:04:01) Rob's "favorite" scene, and what's with April's new role?
(1:14:20) BREAKDOWN of the 1990 movie
(1:33:41) Stephen responds to "it's for kids, it's supposed to be stupid" comments
(1:36:13) Great TMNT properties out right now that you can enjoy!: http://www.idwpublishing.com/product-category/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-ongoing/
(2:03:00) Let's compare: "Shell Shocked" by Juicy J (2014) and "Turtle Power" by Partners in Kryme (1990)
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You should be able to, there's a button which says "Download this podcast!" above the player (next to the title). If you can't download it here check out http://rubberonion.com/podcast/tmnz
Shell shocked sounds like somebody played TMNT Mad Libs with the most generic rap song ever written.
I avoided this movie because enough people whose opinions I trusted had pretty low opinions of it. Glad to see I made the right decision. Oh well, I've got a stack of IDW trades to get caught up on and the Nick series, so its not like I'm dependent on Michael Bay's understudy to get my Turtles fix.
I love love LOVE the IDW series from start to finish including all the offshoots (especially secret of the foot clan). I'm up through season 2 on the Nick series and I was absolutely digging how creature feature they were getting through that season. That's something I grew to really love about the original series was all the references to old sci-fi and monster movies that I would be introduced to later... sometimes as a direct result of some '87 series episodes. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on season 3 at some point.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.