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Parlor Time

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Now that I'm not on the project, I can do whatever I want! And so I did this.

A catchy melody came into my head when I was about to go to sleep a few days ago, and I made it into this thing, since I thought it might sound nice as a showtune-type thing. And then I added some synths because... synths. Also, I tried normalizing in Audacity after exporting from Logic to try and make the final mix louder. It's slightly better, but it's still a long way away from anything professional. Anyone got any tips?

Thanks for listening and hope you enjoyed!

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Well this was very jazzy and thats what your intent was and it has a beautiful jazz sound I was very impressed with it added it to my faves, Alright so here is something that finishes one way and ends another way but I like all that you have done here with the right touches in all the right areas making this an enjoyble piece that you have here, And so after that all said this was a good audio you have made for us and hope you make more groovy stuff like this one because it was unique and different, beautiful jazz sound I was very impressed


Ooo...this is a fun piece. I'd recognize that Garageband acoustic bass sample anywhere. XD You used the drums really well in this piece, especially during the first 15 seconds or so. If you wanted it to sound really jazzy, you might work on swinging the rhythms (or just using as few on-the-beat quarter and eighth notes as possible). After all, now that you're not on the project, you can work on plenty of other things besides expanding the genres of music you feel comfortable making. :D Keep at it, man!

LunacyEcho responds:

=> bass =>

:D Yup. The GarageBand and Logic acoustic basses are literally the same, so I can't escape!

=> drums =>

Thanks! My drum work in electronic songs has started to become a bit boring, so one of the goals with this song was to spice the drums up a bit.

=> swinging the rhythms =>

Didn't I do that? With basically every instrument? :/

Thanks for the review! I'll definitely be working on stuff I'm better at, and you can look forward to some quality stuff in the next few days! ...or at least when exams finish, anyways.

Cool cool. This bin nice bro, rly.
The swing is like YEAH DUDE and the melody is like... chill, man.
Real cool intruments too, mate. Like, REEAL Kool.
Mayz be me niidz checks outz them normalizing stuffz too, methinks.
Thanx for the tipz bro, and sweet job!

LunacyEcho responds:

U high bruh

Credits & Info

3.87 / 5.00

Apr 6, 2015
3:21 AM EDT
File Info
1.5 MB
50 sec

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