"The year is 2239; in a world of chaos and pain, Sentai team elite force II from NeoCzech Republic assemble in the weirdest mecha ever, to stop the mighty Deshiels, a race of cyber mutants trying to bring boredom to the whole galaxy"
What do I DO when I am bored? I open up fruity loops and make something silly in a very short time. ;)
"The year is 2239; in a world of chaos and pain, Sentai team elite force II from NeoCzech Republic assemble in the weirdest mecha ever, to stop the mighty Deshiels, a race of cyber mutants trying to bring boredom to the whole galaxy"
Actually really cool, one sound was off at the mid section, but nothing serious.
For "a short time" it is good.
Man even if I worked on it for daaaaays there would still be that one sound that would go way off. :D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.