thx for this Track. Heavy Rotation. Got this spacefuturefeeling which reminds me of the söldner-x or some Megaman Osts.
Here's an EDM track that I wrote. It's got a bit of a rock feel to it, but it's all electronic instruments. Cheers!
thx for this Track. Heavy Rotation. Got this spacefuturefeeling which reminds me of the söldner-x or some Megaman Osts.
I really love the tone of this track. That rock feeling is really important. It gives it a feeling of... well it's hard to describe exactly. Desperation? Melancholy maybe. Whatever it is, it's not a feeling that you find very often in electronic music. This is just excellent. I'd love to hear more if you decide to add onto it. Honestly not much to critique here. Maybe fade the ending out a little better with some reverb and some room to breath. Other than that... well done.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.