Awesome man.
I was watching a movie and there was a moment where everything slowed down in the movie, nothing was heard but a very prominent heartbeat, which sounded AWESOME on my subs. So i got some much needed inspiration and decided to try out a metal-y dubstep.
I like to stay away from the typical form of a dubstep song, but with this one I pretty much followed typical formula, but I STILL hate when things repeat too much in a song, so the two build ups are entirely different, but still connected by the idea of the heart rate monitor.
As of now this is NOT finished, there will be a second drop which is a lot more patterned than the first, but I haven't released anything for a while and wanted to get this out there while I'm writing other stuff. I'm real sorry for the random ending, and I might scrap the whole grungy build up thing with the guitars because there's not enough electronic-i-ness in it so yea haha. But, this is FLATLINE.
Thanks for listening (:
Awesome man.
some of the static has to much highs at the start makes it hard to lisen to with headphones
bass isent that strong :p its really tight tho needs to be wider
solos good mixing needs to be touched up 123 the bass falls off kinda awk
guitar lead has to much in the mids not enough lows and highs so it sounds rusty other then that the drops fine216 has that nice rytthem i look for in dubstep
246 my ears hurt from the highs at this part needs more lows
getting close to a great song ;3 but still needs more time
ill see if any of my friends have a guitar and ill recored it for you so it sounds awesome
The NEED bass is said because you need bassy headphones or like a subwoofer. Unfortunately it's balanced for my system, mostly the beginning, and I have a heavy subwoofer that I can't even turn down, and my headphones are very bassy. it's an eq'ing nightmare.
intro is great, not bassy as you hype it up to be in my opinion..>
i also think the song should come to a point where its the peak, and then it drops to that heartbeat sound. to play with your listeners ears.
Thank you I'll take that into consideration! The song is also not finished. I wasn't trying to hype the bass. The reason I said bass required is unfortunately this songs requires that you have a bassy system or bassy headphones. Otherwise, the only bass in the begginning is a sub, which you cannot even hear if you don't have bassy headphones or a subwoofer. I'm working on fixing it without ruining the effect that I like. Thanks for the feedback!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.