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Long blissed out tune. Guitar, Rhino, Crystal, FreeAlpha,FL. 96kbpsvbr. reviews?

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This is a good work

This track has a lot of good ideas, i've liked the sounds and the atmosphere the track tries to create but i found a little bit boring the adding of a bunch of voices without giving the melody a.."path".
Armonic variations, something like that.
There's no -tense- and no -release-, just (cool) voices added one after another.
Well, this is only my opinion! :)

pitbulljones responds:

Hmmmmm, you don't really know my style of music do you? I don't take offence you make a very valid point, but songs don't always need melody to constitute something thats decent. Constructing soundscapes, building up an atmosphere and developing a feeling, an emotion are far more important to me than a melody. I'll leave a singer to do that. Im just a humble musician who plays guitar and dabbles in computer music. but everyone is entitled to an opinion.

thanks for the review.



Lovely track. That trippyness at 52 seconds is noice. Beautiful and original melody too. Very Boards of Canada, and that is a ginormous compliment. You could of done some filtering on the strings to make them sound more Radiohead like. If you lowered the pitch on your drum samples it would sound very KingBastard. Anyways, this song is beautiful. It touches me <-- ( I know how you'll reply to that. Lol )


pitbulljones responds:

cheers watercolour for your review. Everyone keeps commenting on this trippyness. i can't really see it myself lol. anyways thankl you for your compliments, means a lot. You have a couple of suggestions i could think about using too, i.e the strings and pitching the drums. haha my song touches you at night.


nice build up of timbres. don't know if it was intentional, but when something loops and it almost cuts, that is sick. ooh, nice distant synth a little while after the drums come in, nice. is a cool track, sounds a bit like er, whatdya call em?... arcade fire, without the annoying whining voice.

pitbulljones responds:

Al;reet mate, No that cut isn't intentional, it's a mixing problem from conversin from midi to audio, don't know why at all.

yea that synth i cud have brought forward in the mix but i thought best to keep it low as it comes in ad out of the mix. anyways thanks very much for the review, i'll bob by and review you shortly.


Personally, I don't mind the lo-fi feel...it gives it character. Really great chord movements and tone tweaking on the continual tracks. Great stuff, pitters!

pitbulljones responds:

cheers triskele for the short and beautiful review, lol. i think the lo-fi feel works on this track, tho i don't think it was intentional, excpet for the orppening organ synth which programmed to sound very lofi, tis only 3 chords throughout this song, but sometimes the simplest things work well.

thanks again.


Very chilled - a little sad...

a few minor click and pops here and there but nothing to worry about.

Some of the higher freqs are a little harsh which contrasts with the smoothness of the background pads.

Personally, for this one, I think you could have used a "softer" drum kit - I'm thinking more brushes perhaps - but still, damn nice job.

The ending could have been drawn out just a bit more - very very slowly decrease the volume while ever so slightly increasing some reverb to give it more of a "fading and falling away" feel

This is a really nice piece and evokes a good deal of emotion - I think that even though it could use a few minor changes it's still very much worthy of a 5 - which is why I got this message:

Thanks for your vote, LJCoffee! You voted 5 for Grace, keeping its score at 5.00.

pitbulljones responds:

thanks lj, a good solid review there. i don't know why i've got these pops and click in the track, they simply shouldn't be there. with reference to the high frequenceis i'm assuming you mean the guitar. i get what you're sayng, but i like that harshness around the mellowness.

i might take you up on the brushbeat idea, tis a good idea that. With regards to the end, i did actually want to have a really slow fadeout on this, but i thought it was getting on the long side as it was, surprisingly enough, there isn't a single piece of reverb on this track, that ive placed in anyway. but i get hat you mean about getting that 'washy' feeling over. again good idea.

thanks for the review, i'll bob by soon and review you bk. oh and the 5 too.

Credits & Info


4.57 / 5.00

Aug 11, 2006
6:45 AM EDT
File Info
3.6 MB
5 min 48 sec

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