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dj_padman - Orchen

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Author Comments

A little bit of trip, a little bit of trop.

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trippy chillax

production is super sweet as i've come to expect from u. really nice mood to this. drums are spot on, just enuf variations and tweakage to keep it rolling along. the vox sound awesome. love the off key synth that comes in towards the end, grimy, yet fluffy. ooh, nice glitch work there, omg, another fade out, lol, my pet hate:) still gets a 5 tho

dj-padman1 responds:

yo man, thanks for another review! don't get too exhausted over there..you should be cranking out some more of your brand of musical goodness!
I appreciate it heaps though mate, thanks for the review. Yarrgh :) the fadeout..I'm working on that part of my production...I really am!


Hello dj_padman1.

You know what I really like about you? You never seem to fear experimentation, never afraid to display the products that others may find strange, or even inferior.

I would have thought this would work better in ambiant, the massive amount of sound effects, and others noises I hear, give me that kind of ambiant vibe.

I really really liked the chopping and panning of that vocal. Where did you find it? Was it a sample you found somewhere?

Very very strange, yet very interesting to listen to for sure.

4/5 from me dj_padman1, keep them coming ^^.

dj-padman1 responds:

Hello Maestro! Good to hear from you again.
I was tempted to put it in ambient, but perhaps the big breakbeat is a bit of a no-no in that genre.
Interesting observations, I appreciate your insight. About the vocal, that's one of the samples from Absynth 3 that I just used as an audio snippet, usually it would be layered with other stuff inside Absynth to create some alien pad or something.
Catcha ya later ;)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Aug 1, 2006
9:59 PM EDT
File Info
3.8 MB
4 min 7 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.