Ch-ch-check it out
Hey Kaisun, you're back with a vengeance! Unusual intro soloing the bass, you introduce a VERY nice chunky drumloop that is listenable for ages. I think the hats are just right. Looks like you've learned a lot from Ali B, does he tutor you in person these days?
Its cool when you drop the beat and give us some trademark automation to bring in the juicy bassline. Beastie Boys, yeah! Man, they're a bit far back in the mix, but the bassline is so cool, I forgive you.
The song goes from strength to strength, with the bassline morphing and twisting away down there, and some excellent variations in the percussion making the whole mix a really good listening experience. Top stuff mate! Looks like you've worked really hard on this one.
Make more!
P.S You missed my awesome flash. It got blammed on a final score of 0.53/5, can you believe that?