I'm quite amazed! This is brilliant, to say the least. Everything feels in place. There's an interesting sense of light anxiety all throughout the song which give it a weird and unsettling tone.
The piano is simply perfect. It has a simple but well laid-out melody. It sounds a bit muffled and dark, adding to the atmosphere. With the addition of strings later on, the song gains another layer of contrast which really manage to elevate the track to a completely different level.
The drums... wow! I must say those are probably the clearest drums I've heard in a while. The mastering was really professional. They rendered beautifully on my monitors... nothing to add.
I enjoyed how the song also manages to make you feel that pinch of loneliness, of a monotonic, boring, and perhaps melancholic life, forever drifting away into a sea of nothingness. I haven't heard a track of this caliber from you in a while... kudos to you!
Overall a very solid track, simple, engaging, stunning. I must say I really enjoyed the very minimalist approach. Very, very good. You really deserve your five stars!