I have a friend who makes these little comics about the mysterious character of Bob who continuously seems to be getting himself killed in said comics.
Seizing another chance to make dumb shit, I wrote this short "theme" song for the comics, dunno why, just did. Again, like Telemarketers Suck, don't rag on the lyrics, I did them in one take and don't give a shit. I save my good vocals for PoID. :P
Since my mac's inbuilt mic is not kind to vocal recording, here's the words:
Bob! Bob! BOB! BOOOB!
Bob is a man
An adventure man
He pours on his face
Soft drink from a can
Bob is a man
An adventure man
He wears a top hat
And he isn't fat!
Walrus! Walrus! WALRUUUS!
(walruses are an ongoing gag in the comics)
Enjoy yo.
That's a cute and funny song! :)
Bob and the Walrus :D
Go on like this
Really, you think I should make a few more like this?
Well, unfortunately I can't for a while since the MIDI keyboard I use to make stuff like this is packed away in a box somewhere while we are slowly moving house, but I should be able to start making more silly things come late November, so keep an eye out!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.