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Victory and Triumphal March

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Author Comments

I worked hard on this one and I think it turned out quite good. Reviews&comments pls!

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nice work

another wonderful peace of work by you.I am going to give you respect every day for the work you deserve weather others do not

Victory? Not completely

Lusta vagyok most kétszer leírni ugyanazt, úgyhogy át is váltok angolra:) It does not sound like a march. The beginning is really not victory-like, as the others said. I imagined an army, just defeated, they have been caught unprepared and suffered terrible losses. They are recooperating and mourning the fallen. This mood continues nearly all over the song, but when the drums come in at the end it sounds like they are taking a merciless but justified revenge, in honor of their fallen brothers. Only that's when it sounds like victory, and even then it's kinda bittersweet.
Now the technical opinion: I think you could have put in some slower quieter drums through the whole song and then switch into faster louder ones at the victory part. Other than that it's perfect. I really like it, though it's not really my kind of song, I prefer the march-sounding classical songs.

madboss responds:

Yeah I know. When I made that malody I thought - hm... it sounds like a hardly claimed victory so why not ginig this title to it? But yes, I had to realise after the first reviews that I had wrong. What you're saying with the drums is quite interesting - I'll try this in another song. I'm glad that you liked it! So thanks for your review and your points!

good song

awsome song this is not so much a victory march as it is a battle won at a great expence, i thought that this song represented men going int obattle as little boys with these fantacies of what war is, and comming back as wise men that know every horror of war, and have seen the anguish on some of their friends that they had to leave to die alone on the battlefield. the pecution set the mood from the beginning.

The entire string, and wind section set a air of justice done. another song that belongs on the big screen.

madboss responds:

Thanks again! I had a feeling during the creation of the track that this song could show victory and triumph. Only after submitting it I realized that it's not that triumphant. Still I'm happy that you liked it.

I agree with MaestroSorrow

I have to agree with MaestroSorrow on this one. It doesn't sound like a victory to me, or if it is, it is one narrowly won with alot of blood shed from both sides. However, lets forget the title and if we just look at the actual music, it is very good. Good job. PS: Some of the timpany rolls sound a little mechanical or midi-fied as i like to say XD

Moving, and emotional

okay so after listening to it a couple times, I am ready for my review.

Great piano opening, but I gotta say, nothing about it says "victory". It says, "sacrafice". The end goal may have been met, but the pirce they paid for it, may be something they did not anticipate. The death of friends, the loss of family, the ruin of a nation. An epic war, with epic casualties.

The slow strings and brass go well together, and that subtle choir does justice to the atmosphere, but like I stated before, it simply isn't a "Victory and Triumphant" feel. However this may very well be just me. I am a person dripping with sorrow apparently ;). I asked a friend what he thought and he said he saw hero's coming home from a battle, smiles plastered on their faces. They learned a great deal, and came back champions.

Two complete opposite stories, with one song. This is a very good sign and a somewhat bad sign. It's good because it means your songs have the flexibility to serve many purposes, its bad because of the exact same thing. it is not fully defined and accurate in its depiction.

Good build ups, with the timpini, it sets the feel of military action, which would again emphasize the whole epic fight scene, this feeling is NAILED with the snares.

Make it faster, make the brass a bit louder, so that they are filling the song with a more raw energy. A more wild, and great scene.

The chimes added a pretty cool effect. Go Chimes!

I don't know why you're getting such low scores. I personally think you should get another alias madboss. People seem to dislike this page, constantly bombarding it simply because they see other songs which were wrongfully zeroed. Start fresh man, i'm sure next time will be better.

Here's a 5/5 from me. Keep up the good fight.

madboss responds:

Well I wanted to achieve a 'story' like your friend said - maybe I've picked a wrong title for the song.
Somtimes it's difficult - even for me - to give titles tom my own tracks so there's might be some truth what you were saying about the 'flexibility' of my songs.
Thanks for the review and the positive critics I try to improve even more.

Credits & Info

4.80 / 5.00

May 31, 2006
9:31 AM EDT
File Info
3.8 MB
4 min 10 sec

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