This is a Kirby boss medley centered around Kirby's Return to Dreamland's boss theme. There aren't that many other themes, initially it was a remix of just the boss theme anyway.
There's some Dark Mind, Zero 2, Miracle Matter and a bit of Galacta Knight included.
You should do a full ver of dark mind, funkiest boss theme ever
I always thought Kirby's Return to Dream Land's boss fights were intense. I also liked the original Dream Land's music. This remix though...is perfect, beyond everything I have ever heard. I'm gonna start wishing this was the actual song used...
Great remix.
It's catchy and it captures the mood and intensity of a boss battle situation quite well.
This is... AWESOME! It's full of so much energy and it just makes me want to run all over the Earth! 5 out of 5! Great!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.