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Beat 1 - Rap

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Author Comments

Tried something different on this one. Before anyone says anything, yes I listened to Changes by 2Pac before I made this. No I couldn't find my own sample of piano so shut up. lol.
Try to enjoy.

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The piano sounded a bit harsh on the ears, though you made it sound good.
Well composed.
The drums were a bit empty and sounded very modern ( i mean they sound like computer noises )
This is just my opinion, i know a lot of people like these kind of drums.

Overal you did a pretty nice job :)

Next time, put some mastering on the piano, or make it softer.

flyingsteps responds:

Yeh i thought so too, i compressed the hell out of it but eh, just couldn't cut it back too much or else they disappeared behind the bass and strings.
The drums well yeh i was trying to get a modern sound...but the snare kinda ruined it i think.

#1 yay

first review!
6/10 3/5

Credits & Info


Waiting for 3 more votes

Apr 21, 2010
6:38 AM EDT
File Info
5.4 MB
3 min 55 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.