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Hyperactive (WIP)

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Hey guys, what's up?

This is my first song submitted to this profile! It's not complete, it's a work in progress, so I'll probably finish it eventually.


Program used, FL Studio 9

Patterns, 22

Plugin used, Nexus 2

Bpm, 180

Melodies, 4 or so

Length, 4 min 32 sec

Amount of time taken, 10 hrs (approximately)

I hope you guys like it! Make sure to review and please listen to the WHOLE song.

If there is anything that you would like to be changed or added, tell me in your review and I'll consider making those changes in the full version.

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Pacey and a little frantic

I think that this isn't really my type of music - it just seems to be a little too repetitive, plus as the tempo seems to increase later in the piece, it doesn't really seem to do anything for it.

I'd encourage you to do something a little more favourable with the piano / synths, as just hitting a few notes like that doesn't do anything for the track itself. With the way that the piece comes together, you have got yourself a decent base, especially with the solo / bridge adding some much needed variation, but it wasn't enough. More experimenting is needed, doctor!

[Review Request Club]

Dj-GST responds:

The tempo is 180 BPM and stays that way throughout.

I'll be trying a lot of variation and will be experimenting a lot in the full version. This was just thrown together.

Thanks for the review man.

Nice music

I liked it alot...It's very well made, the 10 hours spent weren't waste of time...
I really apreciated the beat, it's not down, so animated, so creative, it's really a song to be listened again and again.
The start weren't slow, it was fast, it's 1:16 am and I want to dance, and I'm totally tired...
I'm not going to make a super detailed review, like SuperSteph, cuz I still don't dominate so well English, but if I could, i'd like to make a SuperSteph review...
So, like I said before, it's an ''up'' song, very nice...I liked it, keep it up!!!

(Review Request Club)
Roger Beck

Dj-GST responds:

I appreciate the review man!

Continued Review.

Here's the continued review from my Supersteph54 review. Tired of reading already? xD.

The intro is pretty good, even though it's like the generic fade in that people do in so many techno/trance/dance songs. Still, decent intro :). The ending is pretty bad though. I've never really been a fan of fade-outs - I think you should give this a proper ending. I don't know if the fade-out is because this is not finished or because you couldn't think of any other way to end the song, but anyhow, I think this could do with a final ending note to mark the end of all of the hyperactiveness.

The drums, unfortunately, are very repetitive. I liked your use of the crash cymbals, but the beat itself was almost the same for the whole song. It's good that there were a few parts in the song where the drums weren't playing, but still, that's not enough drum variety for 4 and a half minutes. I'm sure this song could benefit with a few other counter-drum beats. Still, on the bright side, I liked your snare rolls, they were a nice touch.

Well, that ends my huge review. As a recap, I think this has catchy melodies, smooth transitions, great intro, nice crash cymbals/snare rolls and fits with the name extremely well because of its simple yet effective structure. Just work on the variety, the synths, the effects and the ending, mainly. Sorry for the harsh review, I figured you'd prefer a harsh and helpful review rather than a kind review full of praise. Thanks for reviewing my song Speeding Through Infinity, and as promised, your review has been returned! :D. Anyway, keep it up, and good job in all!

-Review Request Club-

Dj-GST responds:

Haha, the fade out ending is because it's not finished and I didn't want to make a complete one jsut for the WIP version. I am going to work on a proper one fur the full version though.

I know, I know...the drums....repetitive... This is again because I was lazy and wanted to fishish this quick, I love varying drum patterns and I am definitely goin to work on tons of variation for the full.

I thaought, at least, I should make the crashes decent. I made them specifically to accentuate startings and endings of melodies, as well as just for drum purposes. I'm glad you like the way I did them, I plan on keeping them that way :)

I'm glad you like the snare rolls, I wasn't sure how good they were considering that I didn't really fade them in or anything.

Yes, I'd much rather a person be harsh and helpful in their review, rather than lying and saying that it's the best song ever. You have given me the most helpful review I've had so far, and I thank you good sir!


...But overall a pretty good job. This is a nice submission that overall fits pretty well with the name, and although sounds a little generic and at times rather repetitive, it's quite fun to listen to. For your first submission to NG, this sounds great, and I hope you keep up your good work, since you clearly have talent when it comes to producing ;). By the way, this is R4R, since you reviewed my song, so as I said, I'll return it.

The melodies sound nice. Not all of them are too catchy but some stick in your head, and go with the whole 'Hyperactive' vibe. Piano could use a little more than 3 notes played by some simple chords, though. I think this song could really benefit if you added some epic fast-paced piano solo or something. The saw lead melodies were pretty good. First one sounded a little off-tune or something (could be my not-so-musically-experienced ears, or my poor excuses for 'speakers') but overall the melodies were nicely done. I liked the melody at 3:27-ish, that was probably the catchiest. Also, the portamento you put on the saw waves was a nice addition, since it furthermore added to the cheerful, upbeat and fast-paced rhythm that this song has. Overall, decent melodies. Some melodies could be a little more complicated or have a bit more of a hook to them, but in general, melody-work was fine ^^.

As for the instruments, I don't really have much to compliment you about them. The piano was good quality I suppose, but other than that, the synths were nothing new or special. Just the same generic saw lead, and maybe you get some originality points for not using an offbeat saw bass, but even then the bass you have now is pretty uninteresting. Did you try an acid bass? Maybe that'd work, or possible some arp or bass pad. You have to find a bass which isn't generic but at the same time is interesting to listen to and fits with the overall theme of the song.

The effects, well, it's probably one of the main things which pulled your score down to a 7. There were none or almost no effects at all. No filter automations, little or no reverb, no delay, etc, and you also didn't use any sound effects like sweeps or something. In my opinion, this song could do with some more effects here and there, possibly instead of fading parts in, you can automate them in with filters or something. Use your imagination: you have the talent, now you just need the imagination to execute it well :). Also, some well-timed vocal sample in this song would be awesome (for example at about 0:26 or so).

The transitions weren't really too special. There were no sudden transitions or anything, but for most of the transitions you simply faded a new introduction to synth in, which although provided a smooth transition, wasn't really too special. It's OK to fade a few things in here and there, but many transitions in your song were simple volume fade-ins. Buildup at the beginning was good, though.

The structure is very simple, and I wouldn't complained about it if you didn't have that name. The fact that the song is called 'Hyperactive' makes me imagine some hyperactive person running around all over the place, first doing one thing, then quickly getting tired of that, and moving on to another thing, which sort of matched the song, where when one melody was tired of playing, it simply faded in onto the next. So yeah, it shows pretty clearly that the name and the song are a perfect match ^^.

On the other hand, the variety didn't impress me much, TBH. I mean, you said yourself. 22 patterns, and you spread them into 4:30. Usually, in any songs I make which are around that length, I'd have around 50 to 60 patterns, normally 4 bars or 8 bars long. So yeah, what I'm saying is, you need to introduce some more variety in this. There are some parts where I think the melody gets repeated too much, and gets boring to listen to. Either you add some more counter-melodies, or take out some repetitive parts, therefore shortening the song.

Hmm... almost out of characters already, lol xD. I'll continue the review on my alt, DarkShadow166...

Dj-GST responds:

Haha, thanks for the review man! First of all, this isn't my first submissions to NG, It's just my first sumbission to this profile (I have another one on here with older songs, PM me if you want the link).

I respect your honesty and eye for details, I'll be looking at this review quite a bit for my changes, there's a lot of good suggestions.

The reason that this song is very simple and has hardly any effects is because, mainly, I was lazy and threw this together quick, as well as I don't know how to do sweeps or any of those kinds of effects (If you know how, can you PM me and tell me how?).

I'll work on the complexity and pitch of the melodies, as well as make a couple more to make it less repetitive.

I was actually thinking of doing a fast piano melody but didn't because I was being lazy...I'll make sure to make one or two for the full version.

I'll try your ideas for the bass, I just found a happy sounding one and put it in.

Long review, but very helpful. I appreciate it man.

Sounds good so far

The mixing seems to be pretty rough at this point. It's either "full volume" or "not playing at all" it seems. Some volume settings in between for the melodies would sound nice, just like you did with the transition to the very hyperactive last part.

Also the song gets a bit repetitive in the main beat in the first part of the song. Plus there are a few parts where the melody stops completly and only the beat can be heard. This doesn't sound too good to me and I think you should try to introduce some more instruments into the song to get rid of those "silent moments" (well, not really silent, but when only the main beat plays it all feels a bit empty).

{ Review Request Club }

Dj-GST responds:

I agree with you man. The mixing is definitely rough, mostly because I just threw this together, and should totally be fixed. I'll try to add more smooth transitions as well.

I will fix the repetitiveness, I'm currently working on a couple more melodies as well as I slightly different set up, and I will definitely add some pads and extra instruments to get rid of those "silent moments".

Thanks for reviewing man. I appreciate it!

Credits & Info


4.07 / 5.00

Jan 23, 2010
4:47 PM EST
File Info
7.3 MB
4 min 33 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.