Lol, i honestly don't remember adding you as a favirote artist, but im glad i did :P
As a listener:
I loved it! Great energy, and had wonderful melodies. Kept me intruigued and listening intensly. Music causes an euphoria that is unlike anything else i've ever experienced. It's powerful shit, and your song is no exception.
As an artist:
Great composition, flowed from one pattern to the next fairly seemlessly. It wasn't repetitive, which is a problem with alot of techno, but it didn't jump from one melody to the next so fast that it gave me a headache... Haha good balance.
I see you complained about your violen, but i think it sounded really good, and the Cheezy-ness was a good thing in this song's case. :P
Did you make your synths yourself, or were they just presets, Gratz if they weren't :D
One of the only things that i didn't like was the snare, might add more reverb on it, or change it to something that isn't as "harsh" it stood out alot.. haha.
P.S. loved the breakdown at the end. Perfect. haha
Overall, awesome!
Keep me informed on when you make new songs, duuude!
Idk why i made such a formal review but there you go :P
Could i ask you to review "Ice House" lol. its not as good as this, but i wanna see your imput :) haha.
Peace. Thanks for the PM!!