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Rise of the Cross

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In a land far from our own, there existed five men who wished to place a great cross upon the hill of Gangreene so all could witness its might and the sweat that would be behind its erection. With the cross already crafted, they set out to Gangreene Hill, which overlooked the whole town. Carrying it altogether, news of their task reached those of the town and it angered many, but inspired few. Many thought, "How dared are those who commit such atrocity? Tis' not this place that of truth? We must put an end to this abomination!" So many people of the town, including children, traveled to intercept the five men. Of these people there included four groups - the thinkers, the governors, the commoners, and the youth. The five men finally reached the hill, and looked on at its vastness. It was greatly steep and far, something that the common man would avoid. But, these men were determined to carry out their task, so they began to climb the hill. Alas, the town appeared and the thinkers stepped forward. "Search for the greatest of the land's elevation, and you will find Gangreene Hill," they said, "but do you not weary? You will go sixty cubits and you will fall from weakness of the flesh." After hearing this, the man who held the cross in the back turned his head to hear the thinkers. He then fled, doubting both himself and the success of his companions. Now, there left only four men. The governors then stepped forward. "Look upon these foolish men!" said the governors. The town laughed as they looked upon the men's sweat and heavy breathing. The governors continued, "We will have them whipped for their impudence! What they do is against the law of the land!" But in fact, there existed no law contradicting what these men were doing. However, after hearing this, the second man turned his head. As the man did not know the law well, he believed the lies of the governors. He fled, fearing for his life. Now, there left only three men. The commoners then stepped forward, "Blasphemers! All know that the town's word is truth! You travel to falseness and death! We will not follow such cowards, and we will not adhere by your beliefs!" After the third man heard this, he turned his head, as he had friends that existed in the town. He then fled, hoping to please the town by his action. Now, there left only two men. The youth then stepped forward, "Why do you do this? We trusted you, and now you fall victim to deceit! Why do you continue, if you are to fail? We had hope in you, and now you travel blindly and mindlessly!" After the fourth man heard this, he turned his head to hear the cries of the youth. As the fourth man was a teacher by trade, he had grown close to his pupils. He shed tears, and his heart was shattered from hopelessness. He then fled to weep. Now, there left only one man. He carried the cross alone, but he did not notice it. The entire town stepped forward, determined to defeat the man's foolish belief. He was almost to the top of the hill, but he grew tired. The town began to chant that he was a weakling and a fool, they began to speak that the law would kill him, they began to shout that they would turn friendship away from him, and they began to cry that he was destroying moral decency. But, the man did not turn his head. Something inside of him was pushing him forward and deafening the voices around him. The town noticed he did not listen, so they resorted to violence. Some threw fruit, and others threw sticks. But the man continued, as he always had. Now, the town began throwing rocks. The man, weakened already, kneeled as a stone hit his leg. He did not cry out, but he noticed that the town had ceased their throwing. He could flee now, and live. He could return home and be accepted once again, but he stayed there, hoping that he could continue. Surprisingly, four men walked forward - they were part of each group from the town. They each picked up the cross, and walked. The town looked up, and done nothing as the five men erected the cross on top of the hill. The five men had finally succeeded in their task.

The End

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This song is epic and beautiful and so is the story that goes with it. However, you should've made your story into paragraphs rather than a single wall of text. That was a bit daunting to the eyes.

Beautiful song for a beautiful story.

Some day, I'm going to use this, and I'm going to tell everyone "Go check out Bosa, the mastermind behind all the music!" People don't hear this kind of music enough.

Strong and Purposeful

this is an amazing song, and the fact it is powerful like it is makes it even better.

I generally like heavy metal/techno, but i often find that instrumentals are better for moods and settings. And your song does this in spades.

great work.


Whoa, I read the story...and...and I can't find the words. That's awesome!!!!

Bosa responds:

At least somebody read it!

Thank you.


it was good but not rlly a song more like an attack scene in a movie and then the overflow of different instruments isnt rlly "IT" and if this was the purpose u did this for well srr but i just didnt feel like spending 15minutes reading the wall of text

Bosa responds:

No sweat. It was made in segments to fit a game, that will be coming out here in the future. I would use these different segments in different parts in the game. So, I'm sure you understand why I did that.

However, I am ashamed at your impatience for reading. If you believe 15 minutes (if that's really how long it would take you to read one page) is too much of your time wasted, then I suppose you have better things to do like playing games or wasting hours on television. However, I appreciate the 5 minutes on writing a review, at least you're patient enough to make sure I know what you think about my music.

Credits & Info


4.52 / 5.00

Jul 21, 2009
10:56 PM EDT
File Info
7.3 MB
3 min 59 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.