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Animation Voice Demo Reel 2

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My official animation voice demo of 2008. Stay tuned for the 2009 animation demo!


http://rabidsquirl.newgro unds.com/

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I don't even think you know me but I'm Sapphire on the VAA. It's nice to see that you're on newgrounds. I really want to see you in more stuff, and hopefully we can work together in the future. :)

I really don't have anything to critique because I think your voice range is pretty good as well as your acting ability. There's actually a project of mine that I'd like you to voice in but I have to see how things go~


A very good range of voices here, great emotions in them too (especially towards the end).

However, sometimes there are a few little static sounds, which are a bit annoying. But most of the time the sound quality is very good.

Nice demo.

{ Review Request Club }

Rabidssquirrel responds:

Thanks for the review!
You actually heard the little static sounds? xD You must've had some pimping headphones my friend, or at least headphones that weren't from the dollar store.

Thank you for pointing out that they are indeed audible. Thankfully I have a new mic now which generates close to no feedback on my mac. :)

Thanks a bunch!

Great range of voices!

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: Great range of voices!
Review: Looks like Egoraptor finally got himself some competition, eh? :P

To put it short, the range of different voices here is awesome. I love the sound effects, and the way the voices fit perfectly to the characters. I would've never guessed that all of these voices came from the same guy.

I could've wished for some... more. A longer reel, that showcases more of your talent, whether it be serious voices or funny voices, but I'm still giving this a 10.

-=Review Request Club=-

Rabidssquirrel responds:

You sir, have made my NG life worth living! xD

I do love Mr.Raptor in all his own, but he's still got the flash technique over me! Competition between him, though; Very flattering, indeed, when most of NG is swarming his stuff (Myself included.)

Thank you for liking my versatility! I'm hearing alot of that, and it's helping me decide what will be added in the 2009 demo :)

lol. Wishing for more. Thanks :D
I tend to keep my demos around one-minute, because I also use them on the pro sites, and some advice I've been given is to keep them around a minute, because when sifting through auditions a casting producer won't want to listed to twenty 3 minute demos. Though, thanks! I'll be sure to keep in mind how much I slip in during my 2009 demo! :)

Thanks for the review!

Not bad at all

Some nice stuff that you've come up with, but I think that a little bit of the vocals is lost with taking them out of context. A shame, but that's just the way I feel about demo reels.

Some good voices there - did you add the music and sound effects yourself, or were these taken from the final cuts that the artists used to present their own flash work?

I think that you've got one of the better ranges on Newgrounds and you're capable of producing a measured and breathtaking performance. The one real question that remains is how's your thinking on the fly?

[Review Request Club]

Rabidssquirrel responds:

Thanks a bunch for the review, Mr.Coop!

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that a bit of the vocals are lost with taking them out of context. If , when you read this, you could send me a pm highlighting what you mean I'd be very greatful.

I did indeed add the music and sound effects myself, and all of these little lines were the result of hitting record and waiting on myself to think of a voice to use and something to say. Freestyle, if you will, then cut and trim. I suppose this would have to say how my thinking on the fly is? lol

Thanks for the range compliment :) Self-confidence ftw. And that a major compliment which I also thank you for.

Thanks again for the review!

Great stuff!

This was a great demo. Probably the best thing about it was how each clip flowed into the next, rather than simple cuts. The quality of the voices were crisp and clear, and the background music heightened the intensity.

I would love to give the full 10/10 as everyone else has, but there are a few things that could have made it a bit better..Firstly, a bit more humour would have gone a long way. Sure, there was some, but not enough for my liking. It would also have been interesting to see more variety, perhaps different accents, just to extend your range and challenge you a bit.

There are a lot of excellent voice actors on NG, and you're definitely near the top! Keep it up!

[Review Request Club]

Rabidssquirrel responds:

Thankyou very much , Mr.Insanimation!

I'm glad someone said that they liked the flow between clips :) Wasn't sure how people were likeing it for the longest time.

I'm glad you hit on humor, because that was something I was contemplating for my next demo. I was thinking about modeling Tomatocar or whatever his name was xD;
His demo had a major humorous spin I found oddly creative and I was thinking along the lines of a long skit for the next demo, or at least a bit more humor in the writing..

Also, more variety is another thing I'm glad you hit on. I didn't use too many accents in this and I was wondering when someone was going to point it out. I accept your challenge :D

Thanks a bunch! Means alot when you say I'm near the top xD Now I'll work on taking over the portal via voice acting. woo~!

Credits & Info

3.41 / 5.00

Jul 4, 2008
9:33 PM EDT
Voice Demo
File Info
940 KB
1 min 1 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.