I feel you man, for the longest time I was in a very similar spot of just not having enough juice left for music (save for a slew of 8-32 bar long WIPs...) in the middle of university, work, and whatever else life happened to have going on. And I don't think I'm not even out of that "slump" completely, as the lack of musical output shows.
But even still, I wouldn't ever consider "leaving behind" music or any other creative outlets I have. I don't see them as the kind of hobbies that you have to consciously take up or leave behind, they stay with you after you've once gotten the gist of them, ebbing and flowing with peaks and valleys of inspiration and spare energy. And while one certainly can dedicate more or less or almost no time at all for them, I don't think they're something one should seek to abandon completely. In short, I don't see why going forwards would require one to get rid of all the old :)
In the end I'm just rambling highly anecdotally, but your description hit home close enough that I felt the need to spill some of my own thoughts here as well :p Oh and when it comes to the music itself, this is fire man, don't let the critic in ye convince you otherwise ;p