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Uprising (High Reach Remix)

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Author Comments

One of my darker trance/techno mixes. Reach up from the depths, and stuff.

Very experimental tbh, submitted tenaciously. I enjoy it though, so I hope you do too. :)

As usual folks, I do a strong intro. Give it a chance to get into the main part!

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Great stuff

I liked this one a lot. As the others have mentioned, the build in the beginning is great, namely the nifty "ooh ahh" samples. As you know from having reviewed my song, I'm a sucker for a good build-up!

My favorite part was when the main melody kicked in at 1:59 - that really rocked there. The modulation changes to the lead throughout the song were very cool as well.

Great track!

Nice ^^

I like the choir thingy at the start, do you care to reveal what plugin you used? In that case, PM me about it ;)

Oh my...

Well, I guess this is it... Now you are in my Favourite Artirts list ^^
Sigue asi! :3

silkng responds:


Great Stuff!

I love the effects, and the music, on how it builds it self up! prety damn good this is! luv that vocals, or whatever that Oohhaaahh noise... Make me wanna dance, i ike your idea, keep it up and i hope to hear more from you soon!

silkng responds:

PLnety up, plenty more coming. Love it when people enjoy my tunes.. at the end of the day I make them for other peoples pleasure. :)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Dec 12, 2007
12:02 PM EST
File Info
4.2 MB
4 min 38 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.