a hoorayer
Very epic-euphoric introduction, I think I actually used that exact chord progression in an 8 minutes long song I made a good while ago. Fits really well with the pseudo-acid driving bass you use, and the similar higher synth. Really awesome synth sounds, you obviously made your time picking the right ones. Builds up a lot and makes an impression "here it comes, the awesomest most kickass trance epic ever"- well it went up a bit too gradually for me- instead of going from low->middle->high busyness I'd like it to go more from low->HOLY SHIT. THAT IS POWERFUL. kind of kickoff from the build. It never really boosted up here. But it had some great parts of asskicking.
I don't really like that highpitched synth in the break from everything btw
Oh here it comes a more energetic part than all the others. Stuff goes on nicely, it feels good to listen to even though it kinda hypes me up. And that's goddamn well done. Hey I'd like to see more of the gated synth in the end through the whole track. That'd rock a whole lot
This is one damn awesome song by the way