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Author Comments

First reason song!

This started off out of boredom. This is so far my only Reason 4 song(although I rewire alot), I did it a day after I got the program(I love it).

It's one of my more "simple" songs, just kick back and enjoy. Don't be afraid to review.

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I Would More Consider this Easy Listening or Something along the lines of that... But Good Job Regardless!

TimeBender responds:

Thanks for that, genre's are really a gray area. I mean it's built like any hip hop, its just the mood that counts? I don't know

I'm gettin down to this

This is a very lovely, fun, relaxing song. This is brilliant and I enjoyed almost every moment of it. In the beginning though you seemed to start out too fast, you've got to prepare your audience slowly for that sort of thing. It also was a little too repetative not to be a loop. But I liked how relaxing and the beats where amazing. I was just hoping for a better ending, but ignore my small complaints I'm a critic that's what I do. You've done an excellent job and hopefully you'll end up one of the greats, keep up the good work.

TimeBender responds:

You've done an excellent job with that review, I really appreciate it thanks.

Credits & Info


Waiting for 3 more votes

Dec 8, 2007
11:36 PM EST
File Info
2.6 MB
2 min 37 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.