It's like, drill hip hop mixed with videogame. I think your 808 could come out some more in the mix with some saturation or distortion to bring out the high mids.
Structurally, I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Some of your synths are very bouncy and continue throughout. The arps come in a little unexpectedly and also at predictable intervals. Everything doesn't seem to be in the same key except with regard to the minor I chord.
But don't sell yourself short. Just because you can't quite figure out what you want to do with a song -- and I'm definitely someone in this category most of the time, so I just shove stuff in and say the hell with it -- that doesn't mean you're getting worse at music. It just means you need to figure out where the cutting room floor is, and that's not a bad thing. It means you have places to go :)