I think you managed to capture everything you were going for in your music. I get spacey-ness (not sure about spacious though) and mysterious, alien landscapes that seem inviting. The atmosphere is captured perfectly and exuberates that balance of brightness with mysterious space vibes.
It was an interesting choice to make that lead distorted. I think it gives that sense of hidden wonder despite the somewhat happier melody, like you're exploring this barren landscape that you're not quite sure is actually barren and you're not sure what to expect, but you're hopeful that it will be a generally positive experience. I love that downward contour buried in the accompaniment starting at 0:16. It would have been nice to hear that a bit more, especially when all the other instruments enter, where it practically becomes non-existent.
Overall, I think the entry connects well with the art, with a fitting amount of whimsy with the dominant sevenths that go with the colours and the landscape. The track has a sleepy, relaxing vibe to it that one could rest to if not for the distorted lead. Nice work!