Tens for you
Nothing short of fantastic, not that that's anything new for you.
Piano piece boasting C Maj & A min ... enjoy all ye classical lovers!
Tens for you
Nothing short of fantastic, not that that's anything new for you.
idk about mozart...
cause you have a whole new style all your own. that being said... its fracking amazing. ^_^
I can't help it O.O
almost every time i hear this song i cant help thinking of the pheonix and the spirits in the game your song was featured in!
But the composer obviously had other ideas in mind, because i also see lots of other things. And beautiful music brings beautiful thoughts.
This song is very original and I really think you should post it in more places. People will be glad to hear it.
I'd give it many more stars if i could!
Well done hania. Keep up the practice.
my favorite!!
i love all your music, but this song is my fav, you really have talent.
This piece makes me wanna close my eyes and enjoy life.
It's a little nostalgic, but just beautiful. I would really like to know the chords.
Your composition talent just blows my mind. You're like the next W A Mozart. You should really try something longer, on a harpsichord.
You have no idea how happy I would be if you did this.
No idea.
Peace off,
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.