Ideas wise, this is quite good, execution wise, there is definitely work to be done.
The piano and string melodies throughout are well composed, and I like the more classic dubstep approach with the wobble bass. Very epic in feel
However, it does lack elements of a professional dubstep track. The acoustic drums are muddy, not punchy, and don't poke through the mix well (dull/deflated), but I do appreciate the use of acoustic drums, very unique. The wobble bass is also a pretty basic sound, and it sounds quiet in the mix. There is also a lack of effects and background sounds. Little sweeps, ambience, and stronger risers will help glue sections of track together and make it feel more layered and interesting. Right now, it feels very skeletal
Anyway, you are on the right track, I do really like this style, but I would suggest taking some time to learn modern dubstep production. Do not get discouraged, it is difficult and takes a hell of a lot of time :)