I have to admit there aren't a lot of things I can say positively regarding this track. At least the vocals sort of seem to be inspired by the image with just the part where it says, "Let me out!" which comes across as a plea for help and dissociation against one's own will. But other than that, this track doesn't really seem to be much of anything.
As a dance track, the drums are mixed too quietly and it doesn't feel remotely close to being danceable. The synths playing the chord progression make the emotions in this track corny and goofy in a way that don't connect with the artwork at all (I think the fact that there are pop culture references doesn't help much either). The spliced vocals just sit there for the duration of the few minutes this track plays out and they aren't really something that offer any substance that make it worth listening to those sounds for that amount of time.
Overall, I think this was an entry with very little substance to it. It kind of hints at connecting with the art, but only slightly.