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Apex9 - Paradigm

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Was going for an '80s feel, but the idea changed a little as it progressed.

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This song reminds me of a game called Uplink.

great song!

pretty good

I would most definatly rave to this, but the reason im giving a 7/10 is that it doesnt change much, the beat mostly never changes, its the same thing over and over, and it lacks what I've found a good song had; a spot where its kinda slow then it suddnely goes in to the fastest part of the song. still its a good song to dance 2, so 7/10 4/5

it is a tad repetitive

it's an amazing piece but as the last guy said it is a tad repetitive

now this is wut amazed me......u submitted this in october last year and u only got 30 votes....lol must've gotten sent to the graveyard and revived back....well whoeva gave ya the bad score...forget them this is one of the best peices here


I'm liking this. Great synth choice in the beginning there.. The gate sounds a little odd, though. Just a weird gate rhythm, in my eyes. Or ears, rather. The drums sound awesome. Does have a sort of eighties feel, but it just sounds so much cooler. Snare drum is wicked, by the by. That square synth that comes in around the 2 minute mark is wicked, as well :D

As you might have noticed, I'm reviewing this as I go. And the more I hear, the more I like. This gets better and better. But it still feels a tad lacking.. Perhaps some bass? That might ruin it though.. It sounds good as is. Ending is great.. Sounds amazing. My only problem is that this song is a bit too repetitive, even for trance..

Highlight of the song, by far, has to be right at that 45 second mark, where it goes from some basic trance, to something a little more.. Groovy. Minute mark is the same way. Same thing, with more going on. Awesome job. But, mabe 5 minutes is a little long? 'Aye, it's your call, of course. And you've made quite a few good ones on this already. Wicked well done, and unique :D

8/10, download, and 5/5. I'm in a good mood today.. Plus, this is some cool stuff. Keep it up ApexNine. Eager to hear more ;D

Credits & Info


4.57 / 5.00

Oct 18, 2007
4:55 PM EDT
File Info
4.8 MB
5 min 12 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.