lol, the female vox reminds me of an old track called "We Want Your Soul." I grew up with a remix version though so, this thing:
It's impossible to find a high quality version of that track because everyone uploads a compressed version. Talking about the quality on YOUR track now, I know there is unnecessary compression by looking directly at the newgrounds audio visualizer. Newgrounds creates a waveshape that we can look at and I can immediately tell there is something needlessly compressing the export because there is space at the top and bottom of the waveshape. A certain amount of compression is a good thing but I got this track on max headphone volume and am totally unphased by it. That extra room would normally force me to turn the volume down a little and enjoy a perfectly mixed track at say 80% volume. I can't notice any distortion from the compression with my ears because you did a great job mixing but I know it's there is more space in the field available for amplification.
On that note, my ears are telling me they like the end result. I just know that the track could be louder with no bad distortion by looking at the waveform. It's a convenient little feature newgrounds offers, start looking at other peoples wave shapes and nitpick what you like or what you don't :)
I'm in love with the hardstyle vibes you're putting out. This is some awesome musics. I only got that minor criticism for the final export because everything else is perfect. Find the fidelity unit that is over compressing the final version and try turning it off or minimizing the compression. Knob twiddle for a bit, compare and nit pick differences between exports. If you're worried you might ruin the track "save as" first so you have an original version and one to play with.
Final words, just know that the newgrounds visualizer can give you some basic loudness data just by looking at it. IMO, Demonicity is on newgrounds and he's my go to example for perfect mix downs. He leaves good space in his mix where needed to fit a DJ set format, but when his chorus hits, he gets that full range that the sound spectrum offers with no bad distortion.
Sorry I'm not dropping in to say "this is perfect in every way." I really do love all the elements. I'm only being super critical on one minor thing to try and get perfect tones out of you :)
edit: why wasn't I following you already? I follow everyone...