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Dolos Akuma Goldstone reference sheet real not fake


Aaand I've finished the main-protagonist squad, now I'm off to the main-antagonists! Starting with Dolos Akuma Goldstone, the self-centered older brother of Atri Vili Goldstone!

I'm particularly fond of what I did with his shoe-soles lmao.


Dolos, also known as Director Goldstone, is the head of the VCSA's Earth sector, residing at SITE-E-0, with his assistant: Kali Munin Pyrite. Despite his massive ego and plain-to-see god complex, Dolos is still a respected figure to his workers at the Earth sector, as he's willing to spend precious resources into making his workplace(s) more accessible for the disabled.

"Humanity is standing on her last leg, if we want to survive, we'll need all hands on deck!" Is something he'd often say to justify this action to the other leads of the Agency.


Growing up he and his younger brother Atri suffered from an illness they inherited from their father.

Dolos, having the shorter end of the stick- spent almost all of his days wasting away in the terminal bay. The medical department had little to no purpose for the terminally sick, hence they wouldn't do much with them, only wait for them to pass.

When his mother would visit, she'd be worried sick for her son, praying for him to get better. Unlike his father, who considered him to be nothing more than dead weight. It seems the genes causing this sickness had skipped a generation, as his father was completely unaffected by the disease. Some nights Dolos could hear his parents arguing outside the room about what to do with him, his father suggesting to just let him slip away, his mother pleading to give her son a little more time.

This went on almost every night, until a mysterious man came to visit....

Whatever was supposed to represent the man's face looked like nothing more than a coalition of shadows, and a dark red arrow pointing downwards. A golden halo floated gently upon the figures head, lighting up the room ever so slightly.

The plague-riddled boy gathered enough strength into his arm and hand to grasp onto what appeared to be the beard of the strange man, before pulling at it with the mild force he had. His father immediately leapt into action, and called out his son for his inappropriate behavior, before apologizing to the obscure man.

But the man was not bothered by the boy's stunt, and dismissed his father's pardons.

"There's strength in this one."

He said.

"There is hope for him."

And that was all that was required to buy Dolos all the time he needed to get up on his own feet. Litteraly.

If the man had either gifted and bewitched Dolos, or simply inspired him remains unclear, but from that meeting onward, he had tried to exit the room himself on numerous occasions.

His illness left his muscles weak, it was hard to breathe, to move, to see, to speak, but none of that stopped him. He leaned onto his IV-stand for support, and slowly stumbled towards the door. Sometimes he made it out before collapsing, other times he hardly made it to the exit.

The mystical man caught wind of this, and would let him stay in his (temporary) office as he worked away. Whilst Dolos visited, the man taught him a variety of things, including: reading, writing, piano, history, and even bits and pieces of both Spirit-magic and the vaunted Star-magic.

Sometimes Dolos would even bring his little brother Atri along, and the two got along harmoniously together.


Years passed, and the flaws and the hindrances carried by their inherited illness began to fade for both brothers. Some aspects were still present, such as lower stamina's and early graying, but they were both completely fit and well nonetheless. Out of every patient in the terminal-bay Dolos used to waste away in, he was the only one to survive his condition, marking the start of his developing superiority/god-complex.

The two lacked proper education, thus they were both drafted into the VMU program, and had to be moved to a separate site away from their parents. Before departing, Dolos' mother had gifted him an amulet, intending he'd share it with his brother in her remembrance, but Dolos had other plans. He did promise his mother to pass the necklace to Atri, but his ego seemed to have gotten the better of him. Besides, his condition was way worse than what Atri had to deal with, of course Dolos would be more deserving of having it, no? Since then he had always carried the thing with himself, not telling a single word about it to his brother.

Once enrolled into the VMU-program, they met many figures, including Kali & Hugin. Dolos was a lot more outgoing, speaking both English along his mother language he could socialize with his peers with ease, unlike Atri.

Atri remained distant, only speaking Spanish, it was not like many would understand him anyway.

It was when Dolos got proper scholarship and started working outside the VMU-program in a more theoretical field that his ego started growing at rapid speeds. He considered himself superior over just his peers, but over his own brother too. It grew even further after he was moved out of the program and swung his way up the leading ranks, before taking the throne and being titled as The Head of The Eath Sector.

He didn't even seem to care that the figure he looked up to the most had committed treason on the Agency.

"Osiris was a fool!"

He'd boast whenever questioned about the incident.

His overbearing self-image and domineering god complex became too much for his brotherly relationship with Atri to handle. The two got along like cats and dogs, and after one final argument, Atri ditched him and the Agency as a whole. And just like Osiris, Dolos didn't even seem to care.

"Atri is a fool."

He would mutter whenever questioned about the incident.

Despite their frequent fights and tussles, Dolos would still forbid any of his workers to speak ill of his brother.


Only recently has Dolos been getting plagued by his illness again, after years of its apparent absence. Desperately he's trying to hide the symptoms from both his superiors and inferiors. The only person who knows about his returning defects is his assistant, Kali.

"You know word will come out about this, the people will soon see your feeble body can't forestall."

"You are human; You are dying."

"I think you knew this day would come, Director."

She remarked.

"Do you think you can cheat death, Goldstone?"


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His shoe is quite a funny one XD Middle finger shoe

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Jan 28, 2024
10:45 AM EST

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