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The Tale Of D-Man


The Tale Of D-Man: 02//10/2009

Comic mixed manga story

By Hiren Pausker/ FallOutFox

Don’t mind the marks of tippex, shouldn’t have use is bit I was a young amateur. This one is a little earlier than my other rough comic Killer Dude. What you see here is two characters, one is D-Man the guy with the horns and a porn magazine. The other his right hand man Grimmy, who is a real piss taker.

Grimmy is death, but not as a individual, he is part of a large grope. Others that relate to death, but with different names and portraits.
Grimmy was once a ordinary boy, other then his dark humour about life, people, and death. Until one horrible night, there was a gang war at his street. Grimmy was at the middle, he wasn’t a fighter so he run like hell. He went straight to the park, that soon turns out to be an abandoned graveyard. He suddenly fell into a hole and was knocked out about an hour. Soon he waken up and walked all over the cave, finding a way out. Grimmy was getting cold, he’d then found a carved tunnel that was made out of marble. Grimmy thought this was a was out, but it was leading to an dead end. It was just a large room with a gravestone that have a scythe sticking out on top. Grimmy started to like this place, the whole room soon got colder and colder. This didn’t bothered Grimmy, he just went on top of the grave stone and grabbed the scythe. He pulled the scythe with one pull and then “bang!” Grimmy is now death.

He wasn’t alone, there was another teen called D-Man, and they soon became bests of friends, (after the big fight with each other)

D-Man had the exact same fate only differences is that he was running away from his dad. Who was a angry control freak, a nightmare he had to live with. Until he taken a short cut though a park, that he soon founds out, this is a graveyard. D-Man fallen from a hold that was layered poorly. Walked around to find a way out. He then founds a door and soon opened it, hoping their was away out but no. It was just a small room with writing on the walls; he couldn’t read them because it was all in Italian. He understands a little that saids “drink something?” D-Man looked around and found a bottle, inside if a crate with rusty yet broken chains around it. D-Man wanted to open the bottle to drink it, thinking this could be an expansive wine. After drinking the wine he found out that this is blood, but was too late. He felt burning from his insides and growing different party parts painfully. D-Man is now really a real big horned devil, with a tale and an spirit called “Evil Eye.”

He wasn’t alone, there was another teen called Grimmy, and they soon became bests of friends, (after the big fight with each other).

(with more details and the meaning of this half planned plot.)

An updated version of this character and comic will come soon, but for now do like this first take.

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2.91 / 5.00

May 26, 2016
3:38 AM EDT

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